Monday, July 29, 2013

The Complete Interview

(A mystery onto myself!) A human: simple, gentlemanly, inquisitive, curious, exploratory, straight, no hanky-panky guy. (Many of my attributes are not meant for discussions, I suppose.)

A married man of about 35, a father. (As brief as I can. No use letting out my secret life-story.)

An electrician, a home tutor, a teacher, a translator, a correspondence clerk, a language instructor, an editor. (What a list of hardships and struggles and humiliations!)

What more?
An amateur: a photographer, a book designer, a web designer, a DIY guy. (Self-taught mostly. What can I say?!)

Less of the city and more of the countryside, mountains, west, east. (A compulsion rather than a choice!)

(A ridiculous question! To survive. Why else?! You don't know much about what it takes to be a man, do you?) To fill gaps and voids in life. (I circumnavigate the question.)

Why not? (This? Or That?)
(Another humiliating question!) Not fortunate enough!

(How stupid?!) Circumstances beyond your control teach you much, I believe.

How much?
(Silly! Who is satisfied with what they've got? Human nature.) But anything's better than nothing.

How long?
(What a bloke!) Depends on the quality of the glue, does it not, to describe the bond?

(Pig-head!) Soon, when else! (What do you think? Shouldn't you be answering that question?)

Any specifics?
Love freedom, independence, nature, music...

Not that I'm aware of. (My heart's sick, I can't tell him. My soul's fatigued, I can't show. My self is tired, I can't make him understand!)

Pretty thin, aren't you?
(What do you think? Do I have enough to eat? You garbage-bin!!!) Perhaps it's in my genes. (I smile. I cannot speak much. So I try to show.)

Can you?
(How ridiculously ignorant! I wouldn't be there if I couldn't, would I?) I believe I can. It's not that difficult, is it? (I hide my cynicism about his suspicions. It's his job, I figure out in the end, to be suspicious.)

O-K, he says. We call you.
(He's a liar, I know. I leave, thanking him generously for his narrow field of vision, on life, and on humanity. He's not much educated, I conclude.)

29 July 2013. Monday.
All rights reserved with the author. Please mention the author and other details in your reviews.

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